属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-争取设立马丁·路德·金日的斗争
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-野生水獭 Otters in the wild
1 | 奉献:为祭神或宗教目的而奉献;供奉. | Dedicate:To set apart for a deity or for religious purposes; consecrate. | |
2 | ||1:简挣扎不开,军官太胖了。||2:但是她那纯洁的年轻的身体,她本打算作为天主教修女奉献给基督的身体,却被毁了。||3:她失去了尊严和自尊。||4:她和其他啜泣的、被摧毁的女孩们事后洗澡时,想洗掉身上的污物,但是不能。||5:女孩们很绝望,她们想藏在花园里,但是她们被拖了出来,被更多的军官们强奸。||6:那天晚上可能有十次,第二天也是如此,就这样持续了三个月。||7:那里的医生也强奸了他们。||8:自那以后,她就害怕医生和黑暗。 | ||1:She could not have helped it, he was too heavy.||2:But her pure young body, the body she had been planning to dedicate to Christ as a Catholic nun, had been destroyed.||3:Her dignity and self-esteem were lost.||4:In the bathroom afterwards, with the other sobbing and destroyed girls, she tried to wash off the soiling, but it stayed.||5:Desperate, the girls tried to hide in the garden, but they were dragged out to be raped by more officers.||6:It might have been ten times that night, and the next night, for three months.||7:The brothel doctor raped them, too.||8:Ever after, she feared both doctors and the dark. | |
3 | 但是一些州拒绝将这一节日单单献给马丁·路德·金。新罕布什尔州将其与民权日相结合。犹他州和爱达荷州将其与人权日相结合。 | But several states declined to dedicate the day only to King. New Hampshire combined it with Civil Rights Day. Utah and Idaho combined it with Human Rights Day. | |
4 | 这是一本让人爱不释手的书,描述了她在英国长达一年的搜寻水獭之旅,从德文郡到苏格兰,再从坎布里亚到威尔士,穿过魅人的原野,亲历季节变迁,就为一睹水獭容颜和遇到致力于水獭研究的人们。 | This mesmerising book describes her year-long quest across Britain, from Devon to Scotland, Cumbria to Wales, through seductive wild places and changing seasons, for a glimpse of otters and to meet people who dedicate their lives to them. | |
5 | 而大学英语课程里用来教“格式”的时间简直吓死人。 | The amount of time that introductory college courses dedicate to "formatting" is absolutely mind-boggling. | |
6 | 刚开始写博客的人都没什么时间搞博客。 | Most people starting their blog don’t have all the time in the world to dedicate to blogging. | |
7 | 贯彻落实科学发展观推进和谐铁路建设为实现经济社会又好又快发展作出新的更大贡献——在全国铁路工作会议上的报告 | Implement Scientific Outlook on Development, Boost Harmonious Railway Construction, Dedicate to Quality Growth of Economy and Society | |
8 | 开拓创新服务大局为首都现代化建设做出新贡献 | Pioneer, make innovations and make service for the overall situation, dedicate to the capital modern construction | |
9 | 若想让家庭和事业的天平平衡,是很难的事。仅仅从为这两者所付出的时间便可以看出。 | The balance between our work and family lives is a complex equation, going beyond just the amount of time we dedicate to each. | |
10 | 事先就想清楚你将会花多长时间去完成某事。 | Decide in advance how much time you want to dedicate to doing something. | |
11 | 首先为了理解你社交的“自我”,建立一份日志。 | Begin by establishing a log you can dedicate to the task of understanding your social self. | |
12 | 推进和谐铁路建设努力构建和谐春运 | Boost Harmonious Railway Construction, Dedicate to Harmonious Railway Transport during the Spring Festival | |
13 | 也许最大的困难是把后端资源专用于性能测试。 | Backend resources can be the hardest to dedicate to performance testing. | |
14 | 注意:本文的后续部分只针对32位内存体系结构。 | Note: The rest of the article will dedicate to 32-bit memory architecture only. | |
15 | 注意力地图是一个更有效的优先级名单,因为它有助于确定在每个目标页面上分配多少空间。 | An attention map is more effective than a prioritized list because it helps determine how much space to dedicate to each goal on the page. |